Why Czechia?
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Universities in Czechia
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Why study in Czechia?
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Czechia – is the best country
to receive an education!

Safe location in the heart of Europe

Czechia is the 6th safest country in the world. Studying in the Czech Republic puts you right in the middle of Europe and you have a great chance to discover other European countries.

Education in a state universities is free for everyone if you study in Czech language.

The main tuition language is Czech, however the range of programmes delivered in foreign languages (mainly in English) is expanding in particular to cater for international students. You can find the list of available study programmes here

High standards
of education

Czech higher education system complies with the best European and international standards.

1348 is the year our first university opened. Moreover, Czechia is among the top 20 countries in the world with the best education system.

of Czech universities

Czech diplomas are recognized in all the countries of the European Union and most of the countries around to globe.

They fully comply with European and international standards, so there is a great opportunity to find decent work not only in the Czech Republic and any European country, but also in the most developed countries such as USA, Canada, Australia. etc.


Students can come for a short study visit or to complete a full degree.

In the Czech Republic there are 1000 accredited study programmes in English and 43 000 foreign students studying full degree programmes.

Diverse range
of study programmes

68 higher education institutions in more than 20 towns.

Offering a wide range of traditional as well as newly - emerging disciplines.

6 additional reasons
Unlimited number of applications to different universities
If you don't feel certain of the University or you want to study simultaneously in several Universities.
High educational level, both in new universities and universities with a long history
Graduates of Czech universities have every chance of employment both in the Czech Republic and in any of the 27 countries of the European Union.
You can study in two specialties at the same time
Also, Czech law allows students to work while they are studying
Erasmus (Student Exchange Programme)
Through this programmme, the students have a great opportunity to go to any country of Europe and to study there for a selected programmme and receive scholarship.
Cost of living. Living costs are more affordable than in Western Europe.
- 200 USD per month for student dorm
-2.5 USD lunch in a canteen in Prague
- 2 USD beer in a pub
- 6.5 USD for a student monthly public transport pass
Job offer
for a student
Czech universities organize meetings of students with employers already during their studies and after graduation, the agencies challenge for the young professionals.
Choose your programme with ECA Prague
Foundational programmes to study in Czech universities
Winter Holidays - study Czech and English in Prague wonderland
Summer Holiday - spend your summer in the heart of Europe!
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