How to apply for Czech courses
language Center Association
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If you have already applied for Czech language courses at the Association center, read the standard action plan below for obtaining a student visa.

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Application Form

First, you need to fill in an application form on our website Your personal information is necessary for the contract with the Educational Center Association, for preparing the documents for the university and for the Embassy. Please, be attentive while filling in the application form since all the documents will be completed according to the information provided by you.

Signing of the Contract

If you work with us directly, the electronic version of the contract will be sent to you for the sake of its faster signing. We send the contract to your email address; you read it thoroughly and send us the signed scanned copy. In reply, we send you the scanned copy signed on our part and the VAT invoice.

If you work with our regional representative, the procedure of signing the contract is held in the office of our regional representative.

Service Payment

Along with the contract, we send you the VAT invoice for our course payment, which has to be made within 10 days. After the receiving the proof, that the whole payment or its part have been placed to our account, we start preparing all necessary documents to apply for the student`s visa and send you all the documents in the most acceptable way. To speed up the process, you have to send us the scanned copy of the payment receipt after the payment.

If you cooperate with the partner of The EC Association, at this stage you pay both for the services of our partner and for our programme.

You can pay immediately or divide the sum into four tranches:

  • the first – immediately,
  • the second – after receiving a visa,
  • the third – after coming to the Czech Republic,
  • the last – after six months.
Processing Documents

We provide our students with such documents:

– Application forms for the visa and instructions on how to fill them in (are sent in the electronic form)

– Invitation to the Czech Republic aiming to get a long-term permission to stay for the purpose of studies or the long-term student`s visa.

– Confirmation of accommodation.

– Medical insurance from the Czech insurance company (is paid separately upon arrival to the Czech Republic (100-400 Euros, the price may vary according to the insurance).

Documents that ought to be prepared by you or in cooperation with our regional representative (this needs to be done primarily!):

  • If the student hasn’t turned 18 yet, the document confirming parental permission on the departure for the temporary residence abroad is compulsory. This permission is processed by the notary and should be done in the presence of both parents (the absence of one of the parents should be confirmed by the documents. This document should also be translated into the Czech language). The permission must not be valid longer than 180 days at the moment of document submission! (the students who have entered the programme «secondary education» should have the proxy on our curator).
  • A notary or legal translator should translate the permission into the Czech language. Such translation can also be done at the Consulate of the Czech Republic, but you need to make an appointment at the consulate in advance.
  • Health insurance, which equals 60000 Euro and the Visa Term (that is why just after receiving the verdict about visa check its terms) The employees of the centre can make health insurance and send it by mail. The price of the insurance is from 100to400 Euros (the price may vary depending on the kind of the insurance);
  • Colour photos 3.5x4.5 cm:
  • The document, which is necessary for going abroad. For the citizens of Russia and Ukraine it is an international passport. In Belarus this function is performed by a usual passport if it has «A stamp confirming the right to go to all countries of the world» on page 29. For the citizens of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and some other states, exit visa is necessary;
  • In the passport there must be enough blank pages for visa. The pages in the part Other Notes do not suit visas. The passport must be valid for at least 11 months from the day of submitting.
  • The Certificate is confirming no criminal record on the territory of the permanent residence. This document is executed by the Department of Internal Affairs in the place of the student`s permanent residence. For the residents of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tadzhikistan and Israel, it is obligatory to affix the apostille. The confirmation should be translated into the Czech language by a notary or legal translator. Such translation can be done at the consulate of the Czech Republic too, but you need to make an appointment with the consulate in advance. The official document is valid for 180 days.
  • The confirmation of having the necessary sum of money. The consulate of the Czech Republic demands to confirm the fact that the student possesses the sum of money enough for staying in the country during the chosen period. The necessary sum is 120000 CZK (which is equal to about 5000 Euros). The confirmation from the bank is made as follows:

    It is important to get the confirmation from the bank that the student has a bank account where there is the mentioned above sum of money (if the student is under the age of 18, the account can be opened on one of the parents and a student needs to have a credit card on this account issued to his/her name and it should be registered in the bank reference.

    The document should be translated notarially and legally into the Czech language. Such translation can be made at the Consulate of the Czech Republic, for doing this, you need to apply to the Consulate in advance.

    What is more, beside the confirmation, the consulate demands an original or a copy (the usual paper copy made with the help of the copying machine) of the front part of the international payment card issued in the student`s name. The card can be issued by any bank, the system must be as follows: VISA, American Express, Euro Card / MasterCard, VISA Electron, MAESTRO, CIRRUS, Dinners Club (the fact that the student has a card to this account should be fixed in the bank reference – no matter which name the bank account was opened on).

    The confirmation must not be valid longer than 180 days at the moment of documents submission!

  • An envelope with a stamp and your home address.
  • Consular fee of 92 Euros (2500CZK) – students entering the programmes of state universities have the right not to pay this fee, but they should have the money to be on the safe side.
  • Visa application form
  • Copies of the mentioned above documents + translation of these documents (but for the application form) – are made on the usual copying machine, without notarization

On the basis of the school curriculum and the number of hours the student is assigned a nostrification test on the Czech language (it is an obligatory condition for admission to a Czech university). If the knowledge of the language is not enough, it is possible to take an interpreter. Nostrification can be taken as many times as it necessary.

Getting A Visa
To The Czech Republic

The visa processing period is about 60 days, the sending of documents takes an additional time, so it's better to plan all this in advance. To submit documents to the Czech consulate, you required a preliminary entry. Most often, the recording takes place 1-2 months before the submission of documents.


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