
Charles University (UK)

ECA Prague is the best choice for studying in the Czech Republic

Charles University (UK)


Charles University is one of the oldest universities in the world and the most prestigious in the Czech Republic. The Roman Emperor Charles IV founded it in 1348. Famous politicians, philosophers and professors from leading international universities teach there. Even Albert Einstein worked at the university in the past. There are more than 53 000 students from 48 different countries of the world: from South America to the USA or Japan. Why do they come to study in Prague? They chose Charles University because of its reputation, high international prestige, quality education and international recognition. It is the largest and most renowned Czech university and is also the best-rated Czech university according to international rankings.

Do you know that many famous people studied there? Ivanka Trump (Donald Trump's ex-wife), Karl Ferdinand Corey (American biochemist and Nobel Prize winner), Karel Čapek and Franz Kafka (famous Czech writers), Jan Hus (a historical figure responsible for a split in Roman-Catholic Church, Reformation and 100 years of turmoil in Europe).

The smart students India, China or African Countries successfully pass entrance exams and get admitted to Charles University. It is an ambitious dream if you are a smart and diligent student striving for success.

The university consists of 17 faculties. 14 faculties are located in Prague, two - in Hradec Králové, and one - in Pilsen.

Год основания: 
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Faculties and specialties

First Medical Faculty - lf1.cuni.cz

The faculty can be considered a direct descendant of the medical faculty, founded in the XIV century. The medical faculty is the most prestigious among all faculties of Karlov University.

Bachelor Programs:

  • Obstetrics
  • Nursing
  • Drug Addiction
  • Nutrition
  • Therapy
  • Physiotherapy

Second Medical Faculty- lf2.cuni.cz

It is the second most prestigious medical faculty. Its great advantage is a direct cooperation with the largest Czech hospital Motol. In the past, it was the Faculty of Pediatric Medicine.


Third Medical Faculty  - lf3.cuni.cz

It is the third Faculty of Medicine that specializes in:

  • Public Health
  • Dental Hygiene

In the past it was a Faculty of Medical Hygiene.



Theology as science is at the cross-section of the Faculties of Philosophy, History and European religious movements.

  • Hussite faculty
  • Evangelical Faculty
  • Catholic Faculty


Faculty of Mathematics and Physics  - mff.cuni.cz


  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • IT

The Faculty often admits students without entrance exams, however studying there is not always easy. But those who truly interested in this field of study will not have any problems with finishing it. 


Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove  - lfhk.cuni.cz

It is a Faculty of General Medicine in Hradec Králové. It is a small town with low, comparing to Prague, living costs. If you want to study medicine at Charles University and you want to save money you can apply to the faculty located in a small Czech town.


Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen  - lfp.cuni.cz

General Medicine in the wonderful western city of Chzech Republic. The faculty has a comfortable dormitory.


Faculty of Education - www.pedf.cuni.cz

Do you want to become a teacher of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Music, Fine arts and IT?

Do you want to become a teacher of English, French, German, Czech, and Russian? The Faculty offers many other languages as well.


Faculty of Natural Science - natur.cuni.cz

The Faculty conducts extensive research in the field of Geology, Chemistry and Biology.


  • Bioinformatics
  • Geology
  • Demographics
  • Environmental Protection


Faculty of Humanities  - fhs.cuni.cz/

Apply to the Faculty if you are interested in Humanities. By the way, English-programs here are free for internationals students.


Faculty of Social Sciences  - fsv.cuni.cz/


  • Journalism
  • PR and Marketing
  • International Regional Studies
  • Political Science and International Relations
  • Sociology and Social Anthropology
  • Sociology and Social Policy
  • Czech-German Studies
  • Economics And Finance


Faculty of Physical Education and Sport  - ftvs.cuni.cz


  •  Physical Education and Sport
  •  Civil Defense
  • Physical Culture and Sport
  •  Applied Physical Education For Disabled Persons
  • Management of Physical Culture and Sports
  • Physiotherapy and Orthotic Prosthetics


Faculty of Philosophy  - ff.cuni.cz

It is the oldest and largest faculty of Charles University offering more then 60 undergraduate study programs, including:

  • History
  • Theater Studies
  • Film Studies
  • Archeology

Faculty of Legal Studies - prf.cuni.cz

It is one of the largest law schools in Europe. The faculty offers only postgraduate programs: Masters and doctoral degrees.

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