Erasmus – choose a country for your studies!

Most higher education institutions in the Czech Republic implement the Erasmus program for many years. The Erasmus was created by the European Commission to improve the quality of education and to promote student mobility. The program was called Erasmus Mundus (Erasmus Mundus) till 2015. Since 2015, the program has been divided into two - Erasmus + Master and Erasmus + PhD. Erasmus + Master is designed for students, Erasmus + PhD - for professors and administrative staff.

The Erasmus + Master program is a unique scholarship from the European Union and the international university. Financial support for the program covers almost all expenses including the cost of tuition, accommodation, medical insurance, the cost of transportation.

The duration of study is different because it depends on the terms of the program, the specific university, and the students’ preferences.

The program gives a wonderful opportunity to students of the Czech universities and higher education institutions to not only European countries and study there in the chosen program at the chosen university. During studies students receive a scholarship that covers all necessary expenses.

Benefits of the program:

  • financial support for the student (cost of tuition, accommodation, medical insurance, cost of travel);
  • study in the best universities of Europe and the world, for example in North and South America, South Korea, etc;
  • unique interdisciplinary programs, and programs in advanced and developing specialties;
  • the opportunity to find work in Europe (diplomas from several countries will make this task easier)

Admission rules

The competition for scholarships is very tough. It is important to know that only about 20% of applications are pre-selected.

1. Documents

It is imperative to submit all documents and papers in full compliance with the requirements of the Commission. You can check these requirements at the official website of the Erasmus program. It is necessary to review and notarise all documents carefully.

2. The Choice of Program

The next secret of entering Erasmus + Master is the right choice of the programs for you. When choosing a plan, you should consider what you want to do and how your previous education complements your specialization. Take some time to select the right program.

3. Your Grades and Personal Statement

Contrary to expectations, your grades do not carry much weight in the decision of admission or refusal. The selection committee will give much more attention to your statement. Typically, the importance of a personal statement for the Commission is about 35-40% of the entire package of documents.

Often programs require a statement of purpose in addition to a personal statement. Pay attention to those two kinds of letters: they are not the same thing. When applying for Erasmus programs, first of all, it is essential to show a research interest: it will help you to be accepted for a scholarship.

Reflecting your advantages and strengths in the motivational letter is important. You should write as creatively and originally as possible. It is a big mistake to duplicate your resume in motivation letter. We recommend you not to do it. You should prepare those two letters seriously.

4. CV and Letters of Recommendation

It is necessary to submit a comprehensive resume (CV) in Europass format, even if your program does not require it. Ask your scientific advisers and professors to write letters of recommendations for you. Choose only those referees with whom you worked closely.

5. High level of knowledge of English

We wish you success!

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